Easiest to Use for Doctors
With our desktop interface design, using our software is as intuitive as ever. Our software development team's focus is to make our software as simple and easy to use as a paper chart.
Meaningful use stage 1&2
100% of our clients can qualify for EHR incentives.
Medicare Electronic Medical Records payment schedule
Electronic Medical Software
Taking it a step forward, we perfected the dictation technology allowing you to focus on your patients, not on the software.
Designed by doctors
SolidPractice is a product of Innovative Medical Practice Solutions (IMPS). The IMPS technology development unit has over 30 years of healthcare IT (information technology) experience and teamed up with a practicing physician to bring the best software experience to our doctors.

Meaningful Use attestation
SolidPractice is one of the few EHRs certified for Meaningful Use Stage II. This means that attesting for MU in 2014 and 2015 will be a breeze. Call us for an attestation crash-course and to learn how our staff can help you apply for government incentives. - 800-795-6256

Transition to SolidPractice
What about the money that has already been spent on the current system? SolidPractice has an easy EHR transition process and friendly, knowledgeable staff to help you manage the change. SolidPractice offers a monthly subscription plan without upfront software costs.